What’s new for SXSW 2022?: Q&A with chief programming officer Hugh Forrest

There’s no festival in the world like South by Southwest. Founded in 1987 by staffers at the Austin Chronicle, the festival brings the best in music, film, tech and culture to the booming creative hub of Austin, Texas. After being canceled in 2020 and going virtual in 2021, SXSW is back for 2022 bigger, brighter and more star-studded than ever, with appearances from Chrissy Teigen, Lizzo, Neal Stephenson and so, so many more. Last year, Penske Media announced that it was buying a 50-percent stake in SXSW, making this the first year of a partnership with the media brand responsible for Variety, Deadline and Rolling Stone. We caught up with Hugh Forrest — SXSW’s chief programming officer for 33 years and Boston Red Sox fan extraordinaire — about this year’s fest, including going hybrid, COVID-19 protocols and why you should stop for a chili burger on your way home. Maylin Tu: What was the first festival you ever attended? What made you want to go into the industry? Hugh Forrest: I am a hopeless life-long fan of the Boston Red Sox — it’s an addiction I’ve never been able to shed. I trace this addiction to summer vacations on Cape...

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