It’s summertime and the living is XP

2021 Comic-Con and Cannes
Photos by (L to R) Carlos Magno, Alfonso Scarpa and Phil Shaw on Unsplash

Blink and it’s already summer — time to slather on the SPF 100 because while the sun is hot, the XP is on fire (not literally — well, it depends). Mark your calendars to check out the projects your XP brethren have been working on, from Comic-Con to Cannes. Have a project you think belongs in this roundup? Let us know at and we may feature it. Pageant of the Masters, Now-Sept. 3 Guess who’s back, back again — art is back, tell a friend. Running almost two months, Pageant of the Masters recreates famous works of art using human bodies (alive bodies, we should clarify). “Where art comes to life” indeed. Head to Laguna Beach this summer to get your culture on and prepare to be impressed with what the show's producers have done. Comic-Con @Home, July 23-25 Mega-fans, unite from the comfort of your own homes! Comic-Con is back virtually this summer and will be back with a special edition IRL event planned for this November. After a successful pivot to virtual in 2020, organizers are riding the wave of hybrid events, stoking the fires of fandom with panels and seminars featuring all your favorite IP, from...

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