The intersection of NFTs and XP, Pt. 2: Conor Hanlon of Flyfish Club

Conor Hanlon, chef and executive vice president of operations/partner at VCR Group.

Only in New York can you trade Ethereum for access to the world’s first NFT restaurant. (No, seriously — only in New York.) While the private dining experience backed by Gary Vaynerchuck’s, aka Gary Vee, VCR Group doesn’t open until 2023, the crypto-curious have already begun applying for membership. Welcome to Flyfish Club. According to Nation’s Restaurant News, the 1,151 memberships that were made available sold out within hours of the club’s launch on January 7. Company officials had already sold 350 tokens in a private sale, and another 1,534 tokens have been held in reserve. These can be leased or resold via a secondary market, such as Opensea. So far, as the XP world explores the intersection of NFTs and experiential, we’ve seen our nonfungible friends used primarily as marketing tools. Enter the fine dining space. Conor Hanlon, chef and executive vice president of operations/partner at VCR Group, sees opportunities far beyond digital artwork. Thanks for having us @FortuneMagazine— Flyfish Club (@Flyfishclub) January 14, 2022 We sat down with Hanlon to discuss Flyfish Club, what’s currently wrong with the NFT industry, and his predictions for the future of XP. Samantha Stallard: Tell us a bit about your professional...

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