Give the Teens What They Want: 4 Predictions for VidCon’s Return to Live Events

We’re closing in on June 22, 2022 — and hoping third time’s the charm for VidCon. After canceling 2020’s conference and then postponing, and ultimately canceling, 2021’s (Delta strikes again), the teens are finally heading back to SoCal (back in Cannes-aheim, to be exact, due to the event’s close timing of Cannes Lions.) Yet, unline the rosé-guzzling ad execs on a boondoggle — this is a notoriously tough crowd, throwing shade online with the same ease we grown-ups display throwing items into our Amazon shopping carts. The annual convention for fans, creators, executives, and brands online — featuring prominent video stars from across the internet — was founded by veteran YouTube creators John and Hank Green in 2010 (aka Vlogbrothers and, yes, that John Green). John was represented by talent agency UTA, who smelled GREEN in them there hills of Cannes-aheim. And the rest is history. Unlike Cannes, which just brings together advertising execs and over-paid talent — VidCon brings in the consumer — with three distinct tracks for fans, creators, and industry execs. Creators will meet their fans, connect with one another, learn new channel optimization strategies and probably choreograph the next TikTok dance craze. There will also be...