Defining XP: What it is (and a bit on what it’s not)

The experiential world doesn’t have neatly defined edges. For some, it may represent “party planning” and the custom invitations, floral arrangements and DJ booths that come with that role. For us, experiential (or XP) is the magic that happens at the intersection of art, science and impact. Whether driven by a creator, a brand, an artist or an organization, XP encompasses the events and experiences that drive engagement and grow communities. It’s all about building connections. But let’s give it a true definition. Ex·pe·ri·en·tial (/ikˌspirēˈen(t)SH(ə)l/, adjective): Involving or based on experience and observation. This can look like: Creator-driven experiences (Burning Man) Immersive entertainment including VR and AR (Magic Leap 2 was just announced) Festivals of all kinds (from food fests to SXSW and beyond) Conferences and industry gatherings that have broader consumer appeal (CES, Cannes Lions and maybe NFT.NYC?) Retail experiences and the evolution of brick and mortar Cultural moments (the Met Gala) Awards shows and their surrounding festivities (the Oscars, duh) Sporting events (from the crowd-pleasing US Open to one of our all-time favorites, the Field of Dreams game) Innovative product launches Art as experience (and we’ve seen both the good and the bad) … we could go on,...