Boomers got the vax: XP goes big on shots

From "Boomers Got the Vax" – Saturday Night Live

In-person XP is poised for a major comeback asap, but a whole lotta that comeback is dependent on people pounding shots — er, getting jabs. Basically, our entire industry is currently reliant on the goodwill and good sense of our neighbors, AKA audiences, and, of course, that of our beloved vendors, sponsors, coworkers and everyone else integral to making good sh*t happen. Without that vax, we're not coming back. It's been interesting to watch how the industry responds to the need for vaccination speed. In fact, it's actually been downright moving lately and makes us feel proud to be part of this crazy funky awesome XP universe (we're not crying YOU'RE crying!). Global Citizen's Vax Live concert last Saturday raised more than $300 million to fund 26 million doses, with help from luminaries ranging from President Joe Biden to Jennifer Lopez and Prince Harry. The Hollywood Bowl, meanwhile, is doing its part by reserving 85 percent of its coveted tickets for vaccinated guests. Their summer season includes an XPtastic viewing of "Black Panther'' accompanied by live music. Pretty hard to resist that now, right? And over on the East Coast, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that vaccinated New Yorkers...

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