What It Means to Be an XLISTER—and Why It Might Be You

who are the xlisters
Photo Courtesy CjJ Hendry; Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images; Photo Courtesy Outstanding In The Field

What do the visionary who started a donation-based immersive theater company in the middle of the pandemic, the marketing force behind Barbie’s global takeover, and the strategist who turned a flailing festival into a full-fledged cultural event have in common? They’re all on the same list: The XLIST. WHAT IS THE XLIST? The XLIST is XP Land’s definitive roundup of experiential’s boldest, brightest and most unexpected innovators. It includes high-concept artists and opera innovators and gives a nod to MLB and wrestling. It covers artists working on a shoestring budget and industry leaders with millions at their disposal. And then there's the young LA woman who hacked a dating app to create a series of singles gatherings. It’s a celebration of everyone making experiential magic, giving goosebumps and pushing the limits of what’s possible.  And it’s open now for nominations. More on that, but first…  THE 2023 XLISTERS Last year’s XLIST honored a highly selective list of industry icons, culture-shapers and emerging voices. 32 artists of various disciplines, 26 technologists, 22 music industry pros, and dozens more from immersive, culinary, sports, and beyond. Just look at Samantha Marie Johnson, who’s shaping the future of NYC Pride by ensuring its programming...

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