Experience Pays: The New Marketing Math

the new marketing math: customer experiences pay
Photo Courtesy Dreamforce

In the battle between metrics and moments, brands are losing millions because they're adding when they need to multiply. By tracking impressions and reach, CMOs are missing something exponential: how exceptional customer experiences transform into unstoppable growth. As someone who helps Fortune 500 brands transform traditional marketing into experiences that compound in value, I've watched countless marketing budgets get slashed because meaningful ROI gets lost in translation. The scene repeats: A CEO asks where to spend their last marketing dollar, hoping I'll validate another campaign, another billboard, another social media blitz. Instead, I share an uncomfortable truth. They've gotten too comfortable with marketing metrics that don't multiply. They track impressions, reach, engagement — numbers that look good in PowerPoint. But, in a market where ad effectiveness drops yearly and experiences returns compound, the math is clear. Transactions add. Experiences multiply. Just look at today's market leaders. Apple's 90% retention rate wasn't built through banner ads. Nike's 100 million+ member run club wasn't born on LinkedIn. And Disney's 70% repeat visitor rate wasn't made in Times Square.  Photo Courtesy Nike Or let the numbers talk. The Temkin Group reports that companies that earn $1 billion annually can expect to increase revenues...

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