2023 Council

Meet the renowned leaders across the experiential industry who are valued members of our brain trust, provide thought leadership and passionate POVs throughout the year, and play a pivotal role alongside our editors in selecting the XLIST.

Émilie F. Grenier

Émilie F. Grenier

Principal, TAIT
Darcy Troy-Pollack

Darcy Troy-Pollack

Advisor, Immersive Experiences
Harry Julmice

Harry Julmice

Conscious CEO, Never Was Average
Jamie Reilly

Jamie Reilly

General Manager, Immersive Events & USA, Moment Factory
KC Ifeanyi

KC Ifeanyi

Executive Director, Editorial Programming, Fast Company
Wendy Heimann-Nunes

Wendy Heimann-Nunes

Co-Founder/Co-Managing Partner, Nolan Heimann
Michael Barclay II

Michael Barclay II

Executive Vice President, Experiential, Essence Ventures
Gaby Neves

Gaby Neves

President, Factory360
Jameka Pankey

Jameka Pankey

Head of Events and Experiential for Artist, Amazon Music
Lou Murray

Lou Murray

CEO, Lemuria Dreamer LLC
Neil Carty

Neil Carty

Vice President, Head of Cosm Studios & Labs
Myriam Achard

Myriam Achard

Chief, New Media Partnerships and PR, PHI
Jessica Charles

Jessica Charles

VP, Programming & Events, Forbes
Jenna Isken

Jenna Isken

Global Group Director, Brand Experience, Siegel+Gale
Jess Stacey

Jess Stacey

Senior Vice President, External Communications, Event + Experiential Marketing, Sephora
Lesly Simmons

Lesly Simmons

Head of Community Innovation, Amazon; Founder, Dollhouse Project
Joe Killian

Joe Killian

Founder of Central Park SummerStage / Founder and President, Killian & Co.
Ron Goldenberg

Ron Goldenberg

VP, International Marketing & Innovation, BSE Global
Louisa St. Pierre

Louisa St. Pierre

Global Director of Art, Digital & Experiential, MA+ Group
Kim Trieu

Kim Trieu

Global Events and Experiences Manager, Expedia Group
Alicia Yaffe

Alicia Yaffe

SVP, Creative Marketing, Warner Music Group
Dr. Lee Francis

Dr. Lee Francis

CEO, A Tribe Called Geek (ATCG) Media
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